Planning Services
The Kettle Creek Conservation Authority (KCCA) staff provides written comments to municipalities on applications made under the Planning Act. These applications may include:
- Official plans and zoning by-law amendments;
- Plans of subdivisions/condominiums;
- Severances; and
- Minor variances.
KCCA has delegated responsibilities with respect to provincial interests regarding natural hazards encompassed by Section 3.1 of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). These delegated responsibilities require KCCA to review and provide comments on policy documents and applications submitted pursuant to the Planning Act.
KCCA will often see a proposal through our Plan Input and Review Policy & Protocol. Although a permit may not be issued for many years after the planning application, KCCA needs to ensure that the requirements under the regulation process can be fulfilled at the time an application under the Regulation is received.
Policy and Protocol
On average KCCA reviews 100 planning applications in a year. KCCA staff is guided by Provincial Policy as well as KCCA’s Input and Review Policies. When an applicant submits a planning application to a muncipality, the municipality will circulate it to KCCA. If the application falls within KCCA’s area of interest, KCCA will pre-consult with the applicant and the municipality. KCCA staff will outline the information required to support the application.
We are currently operating at a temporarily reduced capacity while also experiencing a high number of applications and inquiries at this time. Please anticipate delays in processing and response times.
If you are planning on building, changing the existing grade, adding or removing material if you are near a river, stream, lake, shoreline, wetland or slope, you may need a permit for these activities.
For further assistance, please contact our Planning and Regulations Department.
KCCA’s webmap is here to help you identify whether your property is affected by Ontario Regulation 41/24. The information made available through this tool is intended for illustrative and informational purposes only. It is meant as a screening tool and is subject to change without notice.
×Staff Contact
Joe Gordon
Manager of Planning & Development
Tel: (519) 631-1270 ext. 226